Monthly Archives: August 2011

Top 10 TRX exercises

While chatting with the loyal members of my fitness center, I try to get them to branch out and try new things to realize that there is more to living healthy than chowing down Lean Cuisines and jumping on an elliptical for 30min. for their workout.  As they grow, most of them become comfortable with new ways of working out and extending beyond their comfort level. The TRX Suspension Trainer, is becoming one of the more used and abused pieces of equipment in the gym. Why? Because it can turn the everyday person into a full body workout machine.

 The TRX works your entire body through a large amount of their workouts. Even better, it can be purchased for less than $200 and can be setup in seconds in the comfort of your own home, or anywhere you would like to hook it up to. Below are my ten favorite TRX exercises. Use these exercises to increase your strength, flexibility, and work your core in every exercise. My members love them and I hope you do to!

(click on the exercise for a crappy youtube vid of how to perform each exercise)

10.  TRX Lunge

9.  TRX Deltoid Fly

8.  TRX  Bicep Curl

7.  TRX Pendulums

6.  TRX Squat Jump

5. TRX Single Arm Rotation Pull

4.  TRX Hamstring Curl

3.  TRX Roll-Out

2. TRX Row

1.  Atomic Pushup

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Posted by on August 3, 2011 in Uncategorized